Quick & Easy Plant-Based Meals
Used to running out the door with nothing but a coffee on b…
Used to running out the door with nothing but a coffee on busy weekdays? Daunted by the idea of try…
Whole Body Nutrition: Body & Mind
Your food choices can make a significant difference in your…
Your food choices can make a significant difference in your mental and physical health. The link be…
What Is A GMO?
GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, have sparked wides…
GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, have sparked widespread discussions in the food industry, …
Warm Weather Wellness Tips
No matter how much you love hot, sunny weather, the dog days of summer can make it difficult to kee…
Sun Safety Tips for Summer
As the days get warmer, we inevitably find ourselves spending more time outdoors in the sunshine – …
Does Protein Give You Energy?
Protein gives you energy by helping to repair and build tissues, but unlike carbohydrates, protein …
11 Best Vegan Foods to Help You Build Muscle
Building muscle as a vegan might sound like a challenge. After all, when most people think of a ste…
Benefits of Spending Time in Nature
When we think about what it means to be healthy, we often think about things like nutrition, sleep,…
7 Benefits of Drinking Water: Why Hydration is Important
At some point, you've probably heard that you should be drinking more water, but what does water do…
What is Intuitive Eating?
Messages about diets, eating habits, and healthy food are so commonplace that it's hard to imagine …
How to Start a Gluten and Dairy-Free Diet
Transitioning to a gluten and dairy-free diet can feel like an intimidating leap to make – but it d…
How to Start a Plant-Based Diet
While many fad diets have come and gone, there’s one that’s continually linked to improved health o…
8 Health Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness
If there was a practice that made you happier, healthier, calmer, more creative, and more productiv…