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Product Reviews for Salted Caramel + Chocolate Chips



December 23, 2023

I almost wish I hadn't tried these. They are wonderful but addicting! My sister agrees. Glad they're a healthy addiction though!!


Christina Adams

December 15, 2023

These are my favorite Go Macro bars and protein bars in general! The taste is delicious and the texture is perfect! They definitely nailed it with this one



November 15, 2023

Soft texture and delicious flavor! Far superior to other protein bars I’ve tried.



November 15, 2023

Love this new flavor! It is a little sweeter than others and works perfectly as a caramel flavor, but not too sweet (as I have found smooth sanctuary to be too sweet to pick at any time of day). Will be purchasing again!


Meg Casey

November 5, 2023

Have enjoyed all the flavors I ordered. Will say the caramel one was much sweeter than I’d expected-but still good.


Kimberly Stewart

October 12, 2023

I am allergic to all nuts and seeds So hard to find a good protein bar Please consider producing a tasty nut and seed free for all the allergy people!



July 14, 2023

This is my favorite bar. I eat one almost every morning and i actually say “yum” out loud! It’s delicious with healthful ingredients. I eat it with my oat milk latte and I’m not hungry until lunch.


Alysha Edelman

July 8, 2023

This bar almost renders me speechless.... It's OUTRAGEOUS! So beyond satisfying! The caramel flavor is



May 23, 2023

I love these bars, and this flavor is the best, in my opinion. Most of these type bars have always been a disappointing chore to eat, but that is not the case with macrobars. I've only recently tried these so am looking forward in trying other flavors but it’s gonna be hard topping the salted caramel.


Alysha Edelman

May 8, 2023

THIS BAR IS INSANE! And yes, it definitely has a coffee like addition to the other flavors. The flavors and amount of each flavor is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! Everyone MUST try this bar! It will be your favorite!