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I hereby authorize GoMacro, LLC (“GoMacro”), its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensees, successors, and assigns, and those acting under their authority (collectively, the “Company”) now or arising in the future, to indefinitely use, and to authorize others to indefinitely use, any and all material I submit to the Company via it’s Share Your GoMacro Story Form (“Statement”), including personal identifiers, images, and recorded audio and video. I grant permission to the Company to reproduce, distribute, edit and modify the Statement (provided the substance of my Statement remains intact and the original content is not significantly altered or misrepresented), and otherwise use the Statement that I submit for any purpose whatsoever. This includes publicly displaying this Statement in whole or in part, in print (including packaging), television, radio, film, digital media (including internet, games, social media, websites, and apps), and in all other media now known or hereafter existing for advertising, marketing, publicity, and promotion of GoMacro including, but not limited to, op-eds, government testimonies, presentations, pitches to reporters, and all other commercial business purposes. In all instances, the Company may use all information I provide in or with the Statement, including my first and last name, my state and/or city of residence, the first and last names of my family members and others about whom I provide in my Statement, as well as any information disclosed in the Statement which are relevant to the intended use of the Company.

I understand and acknowledge that the Company will be under no obligation to actually use the Statement, and has the right to use the Statement either with or without my name. I further waive all right to inspect or approve of the use of the Statement by the Company, now or in the future.

I acknowledge and agree that I will receive no compensation or royalties of any kind in exchange for submitting my Statement and I acknowledge that no additional compensation will be due to me other than any goodwill and publicity that I may receive relating to the Company's use of the Statement.

I acknowledge that the Statement may be used in diverse settings within an unrestricted geographic area. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.

I release and discharge any and all actions or claims which I, my family members, or my heirs may have against the Company, their officers, directors, employees, contractors and/or agents, arising for any reason whatsoever from any distribution, publication, or use of the Statement in accordance with this Consent Agreement at any time now or in the future. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, and their officers, directors, trustees, employees, contractors, professional advisors, assignees and agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, expenses, losses or liabilities including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or in connection with any breach, or alleged breach, of the terms of this Consent Agreement.

This release contains the entire agreement of the Company and me with respect to the Statement and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous written and oral understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties with respect to the Statement or its contents. This release and all matters arising out of or relating to this release are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Wisconsin without giving effect to any conflict of law provisions within any other state that would result in the application of the laws of a different jurisdiction. Any claim or cause of action arising under this Agreement may be brought only in the federal and state courts located in Wisconsin and I hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.

I certify that: (a) the Statement is true and accurate and reflects my personal experiences and honest beliefs; and (b) I wrote the Statement of my own free will, and (c) I have reached the age of majority in my jurisdiction and understand and agree to the terms set forth herein.